Healthy Things from Healthy Bloggers #1
This is a new series! Healthy Things from Healthy Bloggers will run every couple months and feature healthy eating tips and recipes from the bloggers doing it right! If you want to be featured in a future edition, just write me a note –> michelledodsonrd (at) gmail (dot) com.
Today we’ll feature four awesome “Healthy Things” from the writers behind the wonderful blogs Eater Not A Runner, Oh She Glows, The Candid RD, and Chow and Chatter. I’ll turn it over to them:
1. If you love something, eat it…..Without guilt!
I think this is one of the most important lessons I’ve learned on my journey to become healthier. I used to think if I wanted to lose weight, there were certain foods that were just “off-limits.” One cookie would turn into a guilt-fueled binge of 10 cookies, with me promising to just “do better tomorrow.” Now I happily eat the cookie with no regret, and just continue to eat healthy otherwise.
It helps for me to look at my diet as 80-20…..80% of the time I eat healthy, whole foods and 20% of the time I eat whatever I want. On some days it’s 70-30 and on others it’s 95-5, but overall I know I’m eating in a way that makes me feel great physically AND satisfied mentally. You would be surprised how liberating it can be to look at chocolate as your friend, not your enemy!
This tip was brought to you by Lauren, the blogger behind Eater Not A Runner. Be sure to stop by her blog and say hey!
2. A delicious Green Monster anyone?
Wait, what is a Green Monster, anyways?
My healthy living website, Oh She Glows, is where I first started writing about my first shot at making a green smoothie that I called ‘Green Monster’. Let’s just say my first attempts did not turn out that great!
Now, I blend together kale or spinach, milk (almond or soy), fruit, seeds, powders, etc. and come up with some amazing Green Monster drinks! I have noticed a HUGE increase in my energy, along with a decrease in cravings for sweets. My skin has also become more clear and my hair and nails started growing like weeds! The response has been huge online and offline.
Try this fail-proof Virgin Green Monster recipe and you too will be hooked.
This recommendation was brought to you by Angela, the gal behind the Green Monster Movement and the fabulous blog Oh She Glows.
3. Natural Born Eater
My biggest tip as far as healthy eating is to be intuitive, and eat like you did when you were a kid. As a kid you ate when you were hungry, and didn’t eat when you weren’t. Most importantly, you didn’t eat everything on your plate if you were too full to finish (unless your parents made you, which is a practice in which I don’t agree).
Most of us no longer eat intuitively, especially the older we get. We no longer listen to our bodies to tell us when we are hungry or when we should stop eating. We are surrounded by food in ads, commercials, on signs everywhere we go, on the internet, and at just about every social event. It’s basically in our face 24/7 and we no longer have the ability to say “no thanks” when food is offered or given to us. It’s as though we think we have to eat when everyone else is, despite what our body is saying or the signals it is sending.
It’s a problem.
We all need to get back in touch with our own hunger cues and learn how to eat intuitively again. It doesn’t mean dieting and eating “rabbit food”. It means eating what you want, when you want it, but not too much, and not at every eating opportunity. This is how we were born to eat.
This tip was brought to you by Gina of The Candid R.D. Check out her site for lots of important nutrition tips and fun stories.
4. Rebecca’s Carrot Soup

- carrots – 6
- 1/2 red onion
- 1.2 l vegetable stock
- 2 tsp ground coriander
- 1 tsp ground cumin
- salt and pepper
- fresh coriander/cilantro about 1/2 a bunch
- one cup small red lentils
- 1/2 cup frozen petite green peas
- heat oil and add onions and carrots, then add spices
- add broth, peas and lentils and simmer for 30-45 min until very soft
- use a hand blender to make into a puree
- then add fresh chopped fresh cilantro
This healthy recipe was brought to you by Rebecca, the cheery blogger behind Chow and Chatter. Be sure to visit her site for plenty more awesome recipes.
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You Should Create a “75 Favorite Healthy Foods” Master List
1st, a special announcement….
We’ve been working hard on an eBook we’re creating called Organized Eating. I say we because my fiancé Nate has volunteered to occasionally help write for the blog (this blog!). Nate reads a ton and has a killer memory and therefore probably knows as much about healthy eating as me. So welcome him aboard as an occasional writer and at the very least contributor/editor/moral supporter!
Anyways, back to Organized Eating….
We’ve been hard at work creating this eBook that has the potential to help a lot of people save time and eat better. The eBook will be released sometime in the next few months and it will be absolutely free, no e-mail sign-up or anything will be required. Its going to be AWESOME my friends!
While putting together a section of the book about strategic meal planning, we decided to make a list of our ultimate favorite healthy foods. We posed the question: “If we could eat/drink nothing else for the rest of our lives besides 75 things, what would they be?” AND…here’s the catch…they must be considered healthy (by someones definition at least).
I have posted the results below and I encourage you to create a list of your own. Sit down and write it with the people you cook for- trying to shoot for 75 items. It’s a great list to have on hand as a personal resource; use it as your base of reference when you sit down to plan meals. Or take it to the grocery store and buy lots of stuff off it - try to eat it all before anything goes bad (using common sense!).
Here is our list (excluding herbs & seasonings):
- carrots
- milk (soy or reg)
- cantaloupe
- tuna (troll or pole caught only, from US or B.C.)
- wild salmon
- sardines
- grass-fed beef
- Sriracha sauce
- quinoa
- brown rice
- tamari
- chicken
- lamb
- romaine lettuce
- turkey
- hazelnuts
- onion
- eggs
- yogurt
- butter
- extra virgin olive oil
- cheese
- parsnips
- spinach
- tomatoes
- strawberries
- blueberries
- avocado
- garlic
- shallots
- almonds (and processed for almond butter/milk)
- banana
- potato/sweet potatoes
- chia seeds
- black beans
- coconut/coconut water
- walnuts
- pinto beans
- whole oats/oatmeal
- kale
- kombucha
- tea
- coffee
- beets
- oranges
- grapefruit
- blackberries
- raspberries
- dark chocolate
- lentils
- chickpeas
- pine nuts
- sweet peppers
- hot peppers
- sunflower seeds
- sun-dried tomatoes
- pistachios
- coconut oil
- whole-wheat bread (esp sprouted!)
- grapes
- beer
- cherries
- red wine
- asparagus
- green beans
- watermelon
- artichokes
- cucumber
- pears
- pluots
- honey
- squash
- celery
- red snapper
- dates
(notice how we cleverly said the all inclusive “squash” instead of zuke, butternut, or pumpkin. You can find clever ways to cheat on the 75 things limit too if you want)
I know I’m going to remember some favorites that I left off here, so don’t hold me to this list forever. You can look at updated versions whenever you want at Feel free to try and talk me into adding something to my list if you want, but make sure to also mention what I should remove in the process! (haha, tricky stuff right!)
###updated 4/22 – since I first ran this piece, I have removed celery and cucumber and added water and broccoli (thanks Jess).
So, are you considering making a list? Think your family’s input will give you greater confidence to cook for that picky kid/husband/wife of yours? Do you think it would make meal-planning easier for you? Tell us in the comments.
It would be really fun if you created your own list and blogged about it! If you do, give us your link in the comments so we can check it out.
If you enjoyed this post, you better subscribe right away! Don’t want to miss another fascinating article, right?
5 Often Forgotten Power Foods
Overlooked and underused in the american kitchen, these five foods pack a nutritional uppercut. Shoot for incorporating at least two of them into your diet each week.
1. Sun-Dried Tomatoes
With potent lycopene levels, these delicious gems may reduce cancers of the lung, stomach, and prostate. Sun-dried tomatoes are also high in antioxidants and vitamin C.
Throw them in your next pesto dish, on a home-made pizza, or in a lunchtime veggie wrap. If your feeling really frisky, head over to to learn how to make sun-dried tomatoes all by yourself.
2. Sardines
You’ve been told a million times to eat more fish, specifically salmon and tuna for the high Omega-3 fatty acids. Well, dare I say, these are even better (for you). They are tiny little fishes, so they haven’t had the time and energy to bio-accumulate so much mercury. They are extremely low in mercury contaminants.
Buy them packed in extra virgin olive oil and you’ll see they totally deserve a spot on your caesar salad tonight. Yum! Or, Sometimes we buy them packed in mustard sauce and spread on whole-wheat crackers for a mid-afternoon snack. Crown Prince brand is really good and you can buy them in bulk on Amazon to save time at the grocery store if that’s your thing.
#update: important new video clip about sardines:
3. Sunflower Seeds
Firm and tender? Yes, that’s totally possible!! And sunflower seeds are the perfect example. These anti-inflamatory mini-guys pack a huge amount of vitamin E in every serving, which is a very important nutrient. Vitamin E is the body’s main source of fat-soluble antioxidants. They are also high in thiamin and magnesium. And BONUS: the flowers are beautiful!
The eating possibilities are many. Throw them on salads or just eat them by the handfuls. You can also incorporate them into your favorite granola bar recipe.
4. Quinoa
A favorite amongst vegetarians. And mayans!
The grain-like quinoa have been gaining popularity for good reason. They have a perfect set of amino acids which form a complete protein. Also, there are so many great recipes to make with quinoa. We are big fans of just putting some lightly sauteed or steamed vegetables over them. Here is one of my favorite recipe websites, 101 cookbooks, showing you how to do quinoa for breakfast or as an interesting dinner.
5. Black-Eyed Peas
These are good for you despite being named after the low talent music group (haha, j/k). And don’t confuse them with the pea family either, they’re actually beans!
Black-eyed peas are all about the fiber – good for your heart and intestines (and pooping!). They are high in folate, low in fat and sodium, and contain no cholesterol. And for the protein junkies, good news – black eyed peas are extremely high in protein.
Buy from the bulk bin and relish in your frugality or buy fresh for maximum flavor and nutrients. Here’s how to cook fresh black-eyed peas:
- Place black-eyed peas in a large pot or saucepan. Cover with water and bring to a boil over high heat.
- Reduce heat to low. Simmer covered until peas are soft when pierced with a fork, 15 to 20 minutes. Drain and serve.
I’ve got some other ideas for “Often Forgotten Power Foods” so I’ll probably do another post sometime in the not-near future. Make sure to subscribe to this blog so you don’t miss out on all the exciting things I’ve got coming soon, including more free stuff. Let me know in the comments if your a fan of any of these foods.
(photo by diongillard)
Simple Weight Loss (free PDF poster)
The major causes of weight gain are:
- over-eating
- under-moving
- stress
And I’m betting you knew that already. You already have the knowledge you need to maintain a healthy weight and feel great. The hard part is finding the motivation for action – getting exercise, cooking a healthy meal, etc.
On occasion, we all need friendly reminders on how these choices benefit us and how great they make us feel.
I’ve created a free poster PDF that will keep you motivated. Its got 8 little mantras that you can say to yourself to help you eat right, move more, and feel less stressed out. Hang it someplace you’ll see it everyday and make a point to read over it from time to time. Maybe reading it will become a short part of your daily routine.
Promise your body the best! Say it out loud: “Today is the day I will make permanent lifelong changes so I will feel great and be happy.”
Click here to download and/or print your free copy of the Simple Weight Loss poster.
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